Welcome! I'm Shawna, an on-location natural light photographer from Kent, WA serving the greater Seattle and South Sound area. My passion is for birth photography! In birth or family sessions, I strive to capture details and the spontaneous moments that truly reflect the beauty in your life, and that you will treasure for ever. Sit back with a cup of coffee and enjoy my musings, or better yet - pop me an email and introduce yourself. I love meeting new people!

Epiphanie Bags Turn ONE!

Epiphanie Bags held an awesome giveaway this month for their first birthday. Happy birthday, Epiphanie! This is me living life the way I picture it:

Step one: mix baby, mama, and yummy cupcake
Step two: add cupcake thief
Step three: concede that eating the cupcake is a much better idea
Step four: decide that an eaten cupcake is really how i picture living life
Step five: giggle at baby and mostly-devoured cupcake, wish they really made baby sized Ginger Bags
Step six (not pictured): chase sugar high child around, munch on baby's adorable cheeks


Little curls

Thomas turned one back in July! What a lucky duck I am to get to watch him grow up. He keeps his mama busy, and let me tell you, there's never a dull moment when Thomas is around!

His curls are absolutely precious and get curlier as months go by.

He was a little bit under the weather and had to stop towards the end for some mama cuddles.

Hmmm, I just realized that two of mt favorite shots are of Thomas playing in the dirt. Boys will be boys!


Twilight Reception Part TWO

Well, I promised you some pictures of people, and here they are!

Looking over the decorations.

Not only was it a beautifully decorated reception (with a stunning bride and groom!) but, it was a blast as well. You may remember that Onica put up a photo booth corner with a whole rack of costumes. I'd say they inspired quite a bit of fun!

Again, as the light fell it became beautiful and cozy.

It was definitely a memorable reception, and I'm so glad I was able to be there. Thanks, guys!


my favorite season

I kid you not when I say I pretty much moved to the Pacific Northwest just for berry season. Sure it gets harder to go out picking when you have kids, but ohhhh, it is no less delicious. Ripe berries warm from the sun have no comparison. The evening light is just an added plus.


Not so strange(r)

I met Maggie two whole weeks ago and it's taken me this long to get her picture up! She's a friend of a friend - MJ (oh yes, of awesome Thomas fame!) is teaching her to knit. She has started coming to our knit group and I look forward to seeing her again. So far I have two strangers who are people I will see regularly. Kinda fun to expand your world in this way.

Anyhow, she is superb! When I walked into the yogurt shop where we meet to knit, I immediately hoped she was the stranger that MJ was pushing on me. Dressed in bright colors, just sort of emanating awesomeness.

The yogurt shop has a fantastic pink wall, and I hurried her over there to beat the fading light and increasing crowd. I realized that I rarely shoot one on one with people who are taller than me, so I had to really think about where to stand. Maggie did great for being rushed into pictures with a stranger. We should have chatted more first, but we got to that in the end. Did you know her kids have the same birthday on different years? How cool is that!

For more strangers, take a peek at my strangers posts, or visit the 100 Strangers Project website!


Twilight Reception

Last weekend I had the pleasure of photographing a reception for a beautiful young couple. I'll share photos of them soon, but first - the decor!

I just so happen to know the hostess of this gorgeous reception, and let me tell you, she didn't leave out a single detail! Oh, how I wish I could decorate like this. Better yet, I'd just have her come over and decorate for me.

The light was beautiful when I arrived, sending rainbows into the clouds.

Onica is ridiculously crafty and put thought into everything from the tables to the cupcakes.

She set up a photo booth area for where guests could dress up and have their photos taken.

And of course, her darling boy demonstrating for us.

As night fell, the setting became even more magical. The lighting was just gorgeous. I agree that these lights should just stay up all year!

Stay tuned for the rest of the reception photos later this week.

Onica, you did such a fantastic job! I can't wait to see your next project. :O)


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