savoring: a picnic
So, we ran outside for a sunny little picnic. (We do things like that since you never know how long it will last.)

If you're in need of some photographic inspiration, one of the best things you can do is participate in a weekly theme. This week over at the Slice of Life Project, Darrah invited us to find a bit of whimsy.
Indeed, when I stumbled across two flowers growing in winter, I felt a bit of whimsy. When I saw a stick nearby, I could not resist this:
A bit of local beauty to start your morning:
Okay, I know. You thought the holidays were long gone. But I've been waiting forever (so it seems!) to post this adorable session.
I met this amazing family earlier in the year (last year!) and just in the course of getting to know one another, we realized that we already had mutual friends. It is a very small world, and Facebook definitely makes it seem smaller.
This is my kind of fun, cold and all. Going out where we can run around, play with rocks and make memories. We met up at Enchanted Winds Tree Farm and I just followed Brin around until they picked a tree! I can certainly see how cutting down your own Christmas tree could become a favorite holiday tradition.
Sometimes it's nice living near a big city.
Sunday night you'll find me at Lucid Jazz Bar in the University District listening to the Jason Parker Quartet and Karen Walrond herself reading from The Beauty of Different. If you haven't checked out this book, please do. It's amazing on so many levels. It's more than just photography and words. It's inspiration to celebrate the beauty in everyone.
There are moments in my day when I just stop what I'm doing to soak up a stranger who fascinates me with their unique beauty. I can't help but notice it in everyone I meet and it's what inspires me in photography. To see such a artful publication centered on this feeling gives me the warm fuzzies. To celebrate it in such stellar company (Darrah, I can't wait to meet you!) makes me giddy.
And the prospect of an artistic evening without kids around is positively thrilling.
Evidently, I need to get out more.
If you're local, I can't wait to see you there!
Last week an elusive little snowstorm hit late at night. I knew it would be gone by morning so I ran outside to capture the magic of snow swirling at night.
Once upon a time I had one child and lots of time to write. Lately it's all I can do to keep up with the girls' monthly letters. Whenever I get pulled under by life, I take a moment to appreciate the wonderful little things that make life a bit more worthwhile.
Hence, my savoring posts.
Every time I have walked down my hallway this week I have tripped or stepped on a squeaky toy or stubbed my toe. Why?
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