August Break
Okay! I'm back! I spent the last week recovering from a cold and then (not to be outdone) my computer decided it, too, wanted a virus. So now we are both on the mend, though I am going through the long process of reinstalling everything just the way I had it on my computer. But, in a way it's nice to start fresh!
So, to get back into the groove, I'll be participating in August Break here on this blog. I seem to remember how easy and satisfying it was last year, and how happy it made everyone who tuned in!
So there you have it. Kick back, have a latte with us, and enjoy the August Break.

Anyone care to join? The big one was this week, but I've got no problems starting late. Maybe I'll even catch up on my 2010 Week in the Life which never made it to print.... So let me know if you're participating!